Environmental actions
Energy saving
At Hoteles Saint Michel, we are fully aware of the importance of preserving our natural resources. For several years now, we have implemented different energy-saving systems in most of our hotels.
Measures implemented
- Use of solar panels to provide our guests with clean, renewable energy
- Replacement of energy-inefficient light bulbs with LED bulbs
- Automatic shutdown system for air conditioning when the terrace doors are open
- Automatic shutdown system for lights and air conditioning when our guests are not in their rooms
- Use of energy-efficient machinery
- New metalwork in the refurbished hotels to improve insulation in the hotel interior
- Energy-efficiency controls and audits to continue implementing new energy-saving processes
Water saving
Water is one of our most valuable assets, so we must use it in a responsible way. The actions we are taking to save water in our hotels are:
Measures implemented
- Water-saving systems in toilets and showers
- Use of informative posters to raise awareness among our guests to promote responsible use
- Weekly checks to control the hotel’s water consumption
- Water-efficiency controls and audits to continue implementing new water-saving processes
Reduce - Recycle - Reuse
To reduce the impact, we generate on a daily basis, it is essential to consider the 3Rs (Reduce, Recycle and Reuse). In both HSM hotels and offices, we are implementing various actions such as:
Measures implemented
- Recycling paper, glass, cardboard and plastic containers
- Recycling cooking oil
- Recycling fluorescent lights
- Reducing the use of chemical products that are harmful to the environment
- Reducing the use of single-use plastics, replacing them with products made with eco-friendly materials
- Reducing the use of individual containers, such as jams, amenities, packaging ... opting for more environmentally sustainable alternatives